
Creekwood Kennels is a small family-owned and operated kennel with a deep passion for German shorthaired pointers. Along with my daughter Brienna Bowman, we raise an occasional litter of well-bred puppies. Our puppies are handled daily from birth and raised indoors. Brienna works hard to see that each pup gets plenty of attention and is well socialized. Puppy development is critical even at this early age. Crate training, housebreaking, come here, come in, along with exposure to water are all part of the attention they receive. Brienna Bowman continues to develop her own training skills and knowledge of the GSP breed. Our shorthairs are bred to make great hunter companions. We provide many opportunities to develop the puppies' natural prey drive while at the same time developing a strong bond that will make a great companion dog. As an adult, German shorthaired pointers are fully trained working bird dogs used to hunt bobwhite quail on our family property in West Texas. We occasionally assist with guided pen-raised bird hunts locally. Our shorthairs are friendly, they love people, and get along well with other animals. They are an intelligent fast learning breed with good manners. Both indoors with the family and in the bird field working our shorthairs always involved with whatever the family activity is.